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  1. Рейтинг международных научных конференций (8144 байта)
    28: *SODA: ACM/SIAM Symp on Discrete Algorithms
    29: *SPAA: ACM Symp on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures
    79: *WADS: Workshop on Algorithms and Data Structures
    82: *ESA: European Symp on Algorithms
    87: ...Computing (formally WDAG: Workshop on Distributed Algorithms)
  2. Структурные методы анализа изображений и сигналов (курс лекций, А.С. Конушин, Д.П. Ветров, Д.А. Кропотов, О.В. Баринова, В.С. Конушин, 2009) (21 342 байта)
    201: ....html Information Theory, Inference, and Learning Algorithms.] Cambridge University Press, 2003.
  3. Daily electricity price forecasting (report) (40 685 байт)
    444: * '''Algorithms''' -- set of algorithms we have apply to our problem (DOW LARS, Local alg...
    450: Fotr all algorithms we use data from file '''
    540: Let's check algorithms for set of simple model cases. In each case
    643: well-conditioned matrix, as many linear algorithms, such as LASSO.
    829: previously obtained models and algorithms in previous subsection.
  4. Аппроксимация Лапласа (4178 байт)
    53: ... = Information Theory, Inference, and Learning Algorithms
  5. Теория Валианта (21 171 байт)
    76: ... Haussler Quantifying Inductive Bias: AI Learning Algorithms and Valiant's Learning Framework. Artif. Intell. ...
    78: ...Specification and simulation of statistical query algorithms for effciency and noise tolerance. Journal of Com...
  6. Теория сложности вычислений (30 991 байт)
    103: ...нализ, 2-е издание = Introduction to Algorithms second edition. — М.: «Вильямс», 2005...
  7. Повышение точности прогнозов на данных Netflix с помощью построения алгоритмических композиций (отчет) (15 722 байта)
    4: Boost the performance of existing algorithms on Netflix data with the help of algebraic approa...
    7: ...re is a possibility exists that individually weak algorithms while used in a compositions could result in a mu...
    10: ...e (1-5). Each set of predictions was generated by algorithms with the objective to minimize the RMSE over the ...
    30: Synthesized algorithms should at least outperform simple averaged compos...
    35: ...rained and what kinds of correlations exist among algorithms. “A necessary and sufficient condition for an e...
  8. Алгоритм AnyBoost (6586 байт)
    63: |заглавие = Boosting algorithms as gradient descent
  9. Математические методы прогнозирования (кафедра ВМиК МГУ)/Доска объявлений (244 851 байт)
    146: ...трии''' (Computational Geometry: Problems and Algorithms), [[Участник:Mest|Л.М. Местецки...
    159: ... techniques to optimize models of classification, algorithms for finding hidden logical regularities will be c...
    177: ...ритмы» (Continuous morphological models and algorithms)''', лектор [[Участник:Mest|Л.М. ...
    179: ... techniques to optimize models of classification, algorithms for finding hidden logical regularities will be c...
    190: ...етрии" (Computational Geometry: Problems and Algorithms)''', лектор [[Участник:Mest|Л.М. ...
  10. Выбор признаков с помощью генетических алгоритмов (пример) (16 904 байта)
    108: * Zbigniew Michalevicz, "Genetic Algorithms + Data Structures = Evolution Programs" (chapter ...
    109: * Melanie Mitchell, "An Introduction to Genetic Algorithms".
  11. Нормализация ДНК-микрочипов (17 868 байт)
    31: ... C, Ellis B. Feature extraction and normalization algorithms for high-density oligonucleotide gene expression ...
  12. Фоновая поправка в анализе ДНК-микрочипов (18 287 байт)
    8: ...Mismatch<ref name="affIM">Affymetrix. Statistical algorithms reference guide. Technical report, Affymetrix, Sa...
  13. Теорема схемы (11 695 байт)
    72: * Zbigniew Michalevicz, «Genetic Algorithms + Data Structures = Evolution Programs» (chapter...
  14. Прикладной регрессионный анализ (курс лекций, B.В. Стрижов)/Группа 274, осень 2007 (43 361 байт)
    340: ...y, D. Information Theory, Inference, and Learning Algorithms. Cambridge University Press. 2003.
    341: * Nabney, Yan T., Netlab: Algorithms for pattern recognition. Springer. 2004.
    342: ...a, H. R. and Ivakhnenko, A. G. Inductive Learning Algorithms for Complex Systems Modeling. CRC Press. 1994.
    363: * GMDH method for data mining, forecasting algorithms, fuzzy models analysis, statistical learning netw...
    366: ...sp;H.R., Ivakhnenko,&nbsp;A.G. Inductive Learning Algorithms for Complex Systems Modeling.&nbsp;&#151; CRC&nb...
  15. Интеллектуализация обработки информации (конференция)/2010 (94 625 байт)
    394: ...erfitting for asymmetric multidimensional sets of algorithms<br>''Botov P. V. ''
    398: # Criteria of completeness of the algorithms for labeling point configurations<br>''Doropheev ...
    403: # On logical algorithms of pattern recognition<br>''Zhuravlev Yu. I. ''
    407: # On a class of correct algorithms for computing sigma-pi-estimates<br>''Matrosov V....
    421: # Classification algorithms based on full decision trees<br>''Genrikhov I. E....
  16. Алгебраические методы синтеза корректных алгоритмов анализа данных (конференция) (9681 байт)
    12: ...го обучения]] (mathematical theory and algorithms оf machine learning)
  17. Булевы уравнения и проблема SAT (16 112 байт)
    68: # J. Gu, P.W. Purdom, J. Franco, and B.W. Wah: Algorithms for the Satisfiability(SAT) Problem: A Survey. In...
    70: ...va An overview of backtrack search satisfiability algorithms Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence...
  18. Бикластеризация (1408 байт)
    13: ...C. Madeira and Arlindo L. Oliveira, "Biclustering Algorithms for Biological Data Analysis: A Survey", IEEE/ACM...
  19. Оценка сложности регрессионных моделей (пример) (15 423 байта)
    17: ...cKay. Information Theory, Inference, and Learning Algorithms</ref>.
  20. Теория надёжности обучения по прецедентам (курс лекций, К. В. Воронцов)/2010 (31 089 байт)
    90: ...ational Symposium on Combinatorics, Graph Theory, Algorithms and Applications)

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