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//<source lang=javascript> var wmCantWork = 'Wikificator cannot work in your browser' var wmFullText = 'Wikificator will process ALL text on this page. Continue?' var wmTalkPage = 'Викификатор не обрабатывает обсуждения\n\nWikificator doesn\'t work on discussion pages' function Wikify(){ if (('code'.replace(/d/g, 'r') != 'core') //check regexp support || (navigator.appName=='Netscape' && navigator.appVersion.substr (0, 1) < 5)) { alert(wmCantWork); return } var txt, hidden = [], hidIdx = 0, wpTextbox1 = document.editform.wpTextbox1 var winScroll = document.documentElement.scrollTop //remember window scroll wpTextbox1.focus() if (typeof wpTextbox1.selectionStart != 'undefined' && (navigator.productSub > 20031000 || is_safari)) { //Mozilla/Opera/Safari3 var textScroll = wpTextbox1.scrollTop var startPos = wpTextbox1.selectionStart var endPos = wpTextbox1.selectionEnd txt = wpTextbox1.value.substring(startPos, endPos) if (txt == '') processAllText() else{ processText() wpTextbox1.value = wpTextbox1.value.substring(0, startPos) + txt + wpTextbox1.value.substring(endPos) } wpTextbox1.selectionStart = startPos wpTextbox1.selectionEnd = startPos + txt.length wpTextbox1.scrollTop = textScroll }else if (document.selection && document.selection.createRange) { //IE var range = document.selection.createRange() txt = range.text if (txt == '') processAllText() else{ processText() range.text = txt //if (!window.opera) txt = txt.replace(/\r/g,'') if (range.moveStart) range.moveStart('character', - txt.length) } }else // other browsers if (confirm(wmFullText)) processAllText() document.documentElement.scrollTop = winScroll // scroll back, for IE/Opera //functions function processAllText(){ txt = '\n' + wpTextbox1.value processText() txt = txt.replace(/^[\n\r]+/|>, '') wpTextbox1.value = txt txt = '' if (window.auto_comment && window.insertSummary) insertSummary('викификатор') } function processText(){ var u = '\u00A0' //unbreakable space if (wgNamespaceNumber % 2 || wgNamespaceNumber==4) { //is talk page u = ' ' var sigs = txt.match(/\d\d:\d\d, \d\d? 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?\/?>/gi|>, '<br$1 />') hideExpr('<[^>]*?>') //hide tags hideExpr('\\w+ *= *"[^"]*"') //also tables attributes //[ \w%;:] txt = txt.replace(/(\S)[ \t]+( |\n|\r)/g|>,'$1$2') //remove double spaces and spaces at EOL txt = txt.replace(/^([#*:]+)[ \t\f\v]*([^ \t\f\v*#:;])/gm|>, '$1 $2') //space after #*: в начале строки //Headers txt = txt.replace(/^(=+)[ \t\f\v]*(.*?)[ \t\f\v]*=+$/gm|>, '$1 $2 $1') //add spaces in section headers txt = txt.replace(/([^\r\n])(\r?\n==.*==\r?\n)/g|>, '$1\n$2') //add empty line before section header txt = txt.replace(/^== (С|с)м(\.?|отрите) ?также ==$/gm|>, '== См. также ==') txt = txt.replace(/^== (С|с)носки ==$/gm|>, '== Примечания ==') txt = txt.replace(/^== (.+)[.:] ==$/gm|>, '== $1 ==') //Temporary replacements txt = txt.replace(/–/g, '-') txt = txt.replace(/«|»|“|”|„/g, '"') txt = ' ' + txt // Minus handler txt = txt.replace(/(sup>|sub>|\s)-(\d)/g|>, '$1−$2') // Replace hyphens and en dashes with normal dashes txt = txt.replace(/&(#151|[nm]dash);/g|>, '—') txt = txt.replace(/( |[\f\n\r\t\v\u00A0\u2028\u2029])(-|--|–) /g|>, '$1— ') txt = txt.replace(/(\d)--(\d)/g|>, '$1—$2') // Entities etc. -> Unicode chars txt = txt.replace(/©/gi,'©') txt = txt.replace(/®/gi,'®') txt = txt.replace(/§/gi,'§') txt = txt.replace(/€/gi,'€') txt = txt.replace(/¥/gi,'¥') txt = txt.replace(/£/gi,'£') txt = txt.replace(/°/g,'°') txt = txt.replace(/\(tm\)|\(тм\)|™/gi|>,'™') txt = txt.replace(/\.\.\.|…|…/g|>,'…') txt = txt.replace(/\+[--]|±/g|>,'±') txt = txt.replace(/~=/g,'≈') txt = txt.replace(/\^2(\D)/g|>,'²$1') txt = txt.replace(/\^3(\D)/g|>,'³$1') txt = txt.replace(/&((la|ra|bd|ld)quo|#132|#147|#148|quot);/g|>,'"') txt = txt.replace(/([\wа-яА-ЯёЁ])'([\wа-яА-ЯёЁ])/g,'$1’$2') //' // Year and century ranges txt = txt.replace(/(\(|\s)([12]?\d{3})[\u00A0 ]?(-|--|–|—) ?([12]?\d{3})(\W)/g|>, '$1$2—$4$5') txt = txt.replace(/([12]?\d{3}) ?(гг?\.)/g|>, '$1'+u+'$2') txt = txt.replace(/(\(|\s)([IVX]{1,5})[\u00A0 ]?(-|--|–|—) ?([IVX]{1,5})(\W)/g|>, '$1$2—$4$5') txt = txt.replace(/([IVX]{1,5}) ?(вв?\.)/g|>, '$1'+u+'$2') // Reductions txt = txt.replace(/(Т|т)\. ?е\./g|>, '$1о есть') txt = txt.replace(/(Т|т)\. ?к\./g|>, '$1ак как') txt = txt.replace(/(В|в) т\. ?ч\./g|>, '$1 том числе') txt = txt.replace(/и т\. ?д\./g, 'и т\. д\.') txt = txt.replace(/и т\. ?п\./g, 'и т\. п\.') txt = txt.replace(/(Т|т)\. ?н\./g|>, '$1\. н\.') txt = txt.replace(/н\. ?э\./g, 'н\. э\.') txt = txt.replace(/(Д|д)(о|\.) н\. ?э\./g|>, '$1о н\. э\.') //txt = txt.replace(/и т\. ?д\./g, 'и'+u+'т\.'+u+'д\.') //txt = txt.replace(/и т\. ?п\./g, 'и'+u+'т\.'+u+'п\.') //txt = txt.replace(/(Т|т)\. ?н\./g, '$1\.'+u+'н\.') //txt = txt.replace(/н\. ?э\./g, 'н\.'+u+'э\.') //txt = txt.replace(/(Д|д)(о|\.) н\. ?э\./g, '$1о'+u+'н\.'+u+'э\.') txt = txt.replace(/(\d) ?(млн|млрд|трлн|(?:м|с|д|к)?м|[км]?г|с)\.?( ([^\.А-ЯЁ])|[,;.])(?!\[.*?\|[А-Я].*?\])/g|>, '$1'+u+'$2$3') txt = txt.replace(/(\d) (тыс)([^\.А-Яа-яЁё])/g|>, '$1'+u+'$2.$3') //txt = txt.replace(/(\d) (млн|млрд|трлн)([^А-Яа-яЁё])/g, '$1'+u+'$2$3') // Insert/delete spaces txt = txt.replace(/(\S) (-|--|–|—) (\S)/g|>, '$1'+u+'— $3') txt = txt.replace(/([А-Я]\.) ?([А-Я]\.) ?([А-Я][а-я])/g|>, '$1'+u+'$2'+u+'$3') txt = txt.replace(/([А-Я]\.)([А-Я]\.)/g|>, '$1 $2') txt = txt.replace(/([а-я]\.)([А-ЯA-Z])/g|>, '$1 $2') // word. word txt = txt.replace(/([)"а-яa-z\]])\s*,([\[("а-яa-z])/g, '$1, $2') // word, word txt = txt.replace(/([)"а-яa-z\]])\s([,;])\s([\[("а-яa-z])/g, '$1$2 $3') txt = txt.replace(/([^%\/\w]\d+?(?:[.,]\d+?)?) ?([%‰])(?!-[А-Яа-яЁё])/g|>, '$1'+u+'$2') //5 % txt = txt.replace(/(\d) ([%‰])(?=-[А-Яа-яЁё])/g|>, '$1$2') //5%-й txt = txt.replace(/([№§])(\s*)(\d)/g|>, '$1'+u+'$3') txt = txt.replace(/\( +/g|>, '(').replace(/ +\)/g|>, ')') //inside () // Degrees txt = txt.replace(/([ =≈≠≤≥<>("'|]|^)([+±−\-]?\d+?(?:[.,]\d+?)?)(([ °^*]| [°^*])[CС])(?=[ "').,;!?|]|$)/gm, '$1$2'+u+'°C') //' txt = txt.replace(/([ =≈≠≤≥<>("'|]|^)([+±−\-]?\d+?(?:[.,]\d+?)?)(([ °^*]| [°^*])F)(?=[ "').,;|!?]|$)/gm, '$1$2'+u+'°F') //' // "" → «» txt = txt.replace(/([\x01-("\s|+\/])"([^"]*)([^\s"(|])"/g, '$1«$2$3»') //" if (/"/.test(txt)){ //quotes inside " txt = txt.replace(/([\x01-("\s|])"([^"]*)([^\s"(|])"/g, '$1«$2$3»') //" while (/«[^»]*«/|>.test(txt)) txt = txt.replace(/«([^»]*)«([^»]*)»/g|>, '«$1„$2“') } txt = txt.substr(1) //remove leading space restoreAll() } function hideExpr(expr){ var ma = txt.match(new RegExp(expr, 'mgi')) if (!ma) return for (var i=0; i<ma.length; i++) { txt = txt.replace(ma[i], '\x01' + hidIdx + '\x02') hidden[hidIdx] = ma[i] if ('0'.replace('0','$$') == '$') //$ in 2nd arg is special even if 1st arg is a string, except in IE hidden[hidIdx] = hidden[hidIdx].replace(/\$/g, '$$$$') //$ → $$, then it's converted back to $ on restore hidIdx++ } } function hideTag(tag){ hideExpr('<' + tag + '>[\\s\\S]+?<\\/' + tag + '>') } function restoreAll(){ for (var i=hidIdx-1; i>=0; i--) txt = txt.replace('\x01' + i + '\x02', hidden[i]) } } //</source>