
Материал из MachineLearning.

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Задачи весна 2018

(будут скоро)



MikTeX LaTex interpreter 2.9 - ok
Ramus IDEF0 Editor
GhostScript PS/PDF render 32-bit (change to 64)
GSview PS PDF Viewer 64-bit
EPSViewer EPS Viewer 32-bit
JabRef Bibliography reference manager
Tortoise SVN Interface to Subversion control 64-bit only for Windows7
Daemon-Tools Windows7-version only, not installed, not used
Kaspersky Internet Security Antivirus
WinMerge Compare two files or folders
Microsoft Office Is it possible to change it for OpenOffice?
GoodSync External HDD syncro
Skypeor Full version for Win 8.1 IP telephone strijov
WinEdt6 vs WinEdt5.3
Lizardtech DjVu Browser Scanned books Plug-in
InkScape Graphics with EPS and TeX export


  • Поиск в Windows 7: флаг, параметры индексирования, дополнительно, типы файлов: [TeX, m], индексировать содержимое. Добавить папки.
  • Установка LaTex под El Capitan
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