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  1. Метод группового учёта аргументов (35 618 байт)
    284: ...Malada, H.R., Ivakhnenko, A.G. Inductive Learning Algorithms for Complex Systems Modeling. CRC Press. 1994.
  2. Байесовские методы машинного обучения (курс лекций, Д.П. Ветров, Д.А. Кропотов)/2011 (23 978 байт)
    209: ....html Information Theory, Inference, and Learning Algorithms.] Cambridge University Press, 2003.
  3. Регрессионная модель (10 442 байта)
    68: ... MacKay, D. Information, inference, learning algorithms. Cambridge University Press. 2003.
    70: * Nabney, Yan T., Netlab: Algorithms for pattern recognition. Springer. 2004.
  4. Связанный Байесовский вывод (33 596 байт)
    227: ...{{s|MacKay, D.}} Information, inference, learning algorithms. Cambridge University Press. 2003.
    232: * {{s|Nabney, Yan T.,}} Netlab: Algorithms for pattern recognition. Springer. 2004.
  5. Кластеризация (14 830 байт)
    88: ...book: Information Theory, Inference, and Learning Algorithms], by David J.C. MacKay includes chapters on k-mea...
    92: ...orial] - Tutorial with introduction of Clustering Algorithms (k-means, fuzzy-c-means, hierarchical, mixture of...
    96: ...people/shihab/dissertation.pdf ''Fuzzy Clustering Algorithms and their Application to Medical Image Analysis''...
  6. Машинное обучение (62 190 байт)
    326: ...book: Information Theory, Inference, and Learning Algorithms
  7. Символьная регрессия (14 505 байт)
    102: ...oc Regression by Means of Arbitrfary Evolutionary Algorithms / Journal of Simulation. Vol. 6 No 9. P. 44...
  8. Теория вычислительного обучения (7636 байт)
    81: |заглавие = Algorithms and Theory of Computation Handbook
    88: ...book: Information Theory, Inference, and Learning Algorithms
  9. Joone (852 байта)
    5: Everyone can write new modules to implement new algorithms or new architectures starting from the simple com...
  10. LinguaStream (1796 байт)
    4: ...d to build high-level natural language processing algorithms.
    11: ...platform favours the sharing of NLP resources and algorithms, and we host a repository where they can be descr...
  11. MVR Composer (21 778 байт)
    183: ...e/HEAD/tree/Group874/Motrenko2014FunctionLearning/doc/Motrenko2014FunctionLearning.pdf?format=raw Motre...
    184: ...n.doc?format=raw Kulunchakov2014RankinBySimpleFun.doc])
    186: ...tp://svn.code.sf.net/p/mvr/code/mvr.sl/Systemdocs.doc?format=raw MVR Systemdocs]
    189: ...orge.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/HEAD/tree/TSLearning/doc/TSClassification/TSClassification.pdf TSClassific...
    190: ...EAD/tree/Group174/Popova2014OptimalModelSelection/doc/Popova2014OptimalModelSelection.pdf Popova2014Opt...
  12. Загоруйко, Николай Григорьевич (37 844 байта)
    105: # Zagoruiko N.G., Elkina V.N. Some Classification Algorithms Developed in Novosibirsk // Proc of RAIRO Informa...
    106: # Zagoruiko N.G. Empirical prediction algorithms // Computer oriented learning processes. Edited b...
  13. Комбинаторная теория переобучения (виртуальный семинар) (102 677 байт)
    146: * Self-bounding learning algorithms [Freund, 1998]
  14. Коэффициент разнообразия (5031 байт)
    11: ...ips'' [http://Data-Dependent Analysis of Learning Algorithms infoeng.rsise.anu.edu.au/files/petra\_philips\_th...
  15. Метод настройки с возвращениями (14 103 байта)
    140: ...&ct=clnk&cd=1&gl=ru Backfitting and Local Scoring Algorithms]
  16. Численные методы обучения по прецедентам (практика, В.В. Стрижов) (194 042 байта)
    51: ...orithms/code/Group074/Kuznetsov2013SSAForecasting/doc/Ivkin2013PresentationSample.tex?format=raw tex]
    331: * [http://jmlda.org/papers/doc/article-processing.pdf Процедура под...
    428: ...ee Understanding Machine Learning: From Theory to Algorithms by Shai Shalev-Shwartz, Shai Ben-David, 2014]
    455: ... обрабатывается [http://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/# Sphinx] для автоматич...
    640: ...v V.V. Stresstest procedure for feature selection algorithms // Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory System...
  17. EM алгоритм (пример) (14 234 байта)
    174: *[[Media:Nikita_Spirin_EM_Report.doc|Эта статья в формате Docx]]
    183: ...Kay, "Information Theory, Inference, and Learning Algorithms"]
  18. EM-алгоритм с последовательным добавлением компонент (пример) (18 287 байт)
    144: ...book: Information Theory, Inference, and Learning Algorithms], by [[David J.C. MacKay]] includes simple exampl...
  19. Метод k взвешенных ближайших соседей (пример) (23 624 байта)
    365: ...book: Information Theory, Inference, and Learning Algorithms], by [[David J.C. MacKay]].
  20. Журналы ВАК по тематике ресурса (71 077 байт)
    4: .../img/uploaded/files/vak/enumeration/per-04-2008-4.doc скачать с официального сай...
    60: * new algorithms with empirical, theoretical, psychological, or bi...
    102: ...cy analysis, search, and optimization.<br /><br />Algorithms for data mining including spatial, textual, and m...
    120: ...ic, statistical pattern recognition, evolutionary algorithms, knowledge filtering, and post-processing. In par...
    138: ...lp readers understand state-of-the-art techniques/algorithms/methods in bioinformatics data gathering, data pr...

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